Monday 28 June 2010

I currently reside in Youngstown, Ohio. Its incredibly humid and pretty hot. We had a build day today so spent most of it fitting skirting boards and sweating a lot. Legs naturally are grateful for a day off cycling!

Ok, funny story time. Hope you are sat comfortably. Couple of nights ago we went to a very cheap bar. We were back in bed by 11 so we had enough sleep for the next day. However, I woke up in the middle of the night needing the 'restroom'. I was sleeping in the basement underneath a church, but had positioned myself on the opposite side to where I knew the toilets were. In trying to avoid waking everyone up by tiptoeing past them, I wandered through the double doors at the end I was sleeping. Up one flight of stairs, no toilet. Yet I didn't want to admit defeat and turn around. Another flight, no toilet. Beginning to get pretty desperate, I found myself in the church. Obviously not a great place to be, so I swallowed my pride and hurried down the stairs and due to the complete darkness and my current state, I never saw the level change of four or so stairs coming. So I fell flat on the floor.

( Unhurt. Anthony 1 Floor 0 )


  1. Due to complete darkness or very cheap bar...?

    Hope its still treating you well mate and that you havent been chafed away to nothingness yet!

    Have a watery beer for all us guys back home!


  2. So what did happen to your 'call of nature' then? You haven't said.

    Dad x
